Overly sensitive conservative who is afraid of snowflakes (too cold during NY winter's) and raindrops(hair will come alive and devour him).
That snowflake Jim Acosta makes trumps cry.

Raindrops prevent trumps from honoring mitilary veterans.
by Fox is propaganda November 12, 2018
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the worst person in the entire universe. he's just an idiot who is all words and no action. he's racist, sexist, and a CLOMPLETELY CLUELESS IDIOT.
by trump trump November 27, 2018
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A low IQ individual that believes they are a genius.
under 90 IQ with delusion of always being correct, but never is.
If you believe that, you are a trump. sfyl
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some smelly p*do whos racist, islamophobic, xenophobic, misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic and many other things. if you like him youre also as smelly as him ok. nicki for president 2020.
“i support trump but i dont agree with most of his opinions” “then what do you support stacy, his p*rno career? or his 43 allegations?”
by carrotstickss August 21, 2020
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A man who Gets his facts out of his big ass
media : Mr. Trump where is your proof on mexico paying for the wall, trump: uhhhhh my ass will tell you the truth
by mediaisright January 25, 2019
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To achieve office via first-past-the-post, in defiance of the popular vote.
'Hell, no, we're not the most popular, but we can trump our way in.'
by January 9, 2021
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