When someone is fake or lies behind your back.
That girl said that you're stupid, but if she tells you any different, she's being so toothpaste.
by Everybody's Favorite Nipple January 31, 2016
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When a girl poops and there is still a piece stuck inside so she fingers her vagina to urge the nugget the rest of the way out of her ass.
Jane wiped her ass a million times but couldn't get that last little turd out, so she tried toothpasting herself and BAM, no more dingle berries.
by badtitties October 11, 2011
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the act of getting the left over cum out of your dick like squeezing the last toothpaste out of the bottle
"Dude, did she catch you"
"Nah, i just skipped toothpasting"
by mattkitchens June 28, 2015
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A household drug. Putting toothpaste on your nipples. High is caused by a opium related/derived chemical. It is a sedative. Applied topically to nipples since nipples provide pleasant burning sensation in addition to reasonably-good access to bloodstream.
by Karl Migren May 8, 2012
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When you apply toothpast to your penis in order to cleanse it.
Man: Darn! I can't get these grass stains off my penis!
Man 2: ...Ever tried toothpasting?
by Milky Susan May 19, 2017
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Tooth pasting is the act of rubbing tooth paste on one's nipples in order to get high, it is currently becoming very common in teenagers throughout the world.
Billy: Hey man have you been toothpasting again?
Bob: Hell yeah man, I got so fucking stoned.
by LeNewMeMe May 7, 2012
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A new drug craze which involves rubbing toothpaste on one's nipples in order to achieve a full-body high.
Toothpasting is the shit!
by CapanSourblo May 13, 2012
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