when you poop in a bag and thrust it up to hit someone's head and it happens to hit the fan. damn mom and her hot flashes!
Damn, dog, that would have been a great shit slame if the shit didn't hit the fan.
by zeeCarter October 6, 2004
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Phrase: Uttered by people when a uber terrorist takes place, such as involving a nuclear weapon, on a large Western city, such that would makes 9/11 a sunday school picnic.
When George saw the mushroom cloud, he swore in a most unchristian manner, and said that "Shit hit the fan!"
by Kerb November 28, 2004
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when a bad secret is let out and everybody knows about it to disastrous consequences. imagine the smell and splatter if someone blasted hershey-squirts into a rotary fan.
my favorite scene in the movie airplane is when the shit hits the fan. to bad its cut out in the "edited for television version"
by minghi May 10, 2003
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The throwing of excrement over rival football supporters.
Tom: Liverpool are playing Man United at Old Trafford this week-end.
Bill: I'm sure we'll see the shit hit the fan at that game!
by Dung a Din October 17, 2006
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"Shit hitting the fan" is an expression used to describe a moment when things are getting out of control.
by Mini mojito July 13, 2014
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When a hidden or contained problem (the shit) is suddenly exposed or spirals into utter chaos (shit making contact with rotating fan blades) causing a change of tactic from problem elimination (disposal of shit) to damage control or abandonment (cleaning of all traces of bits of scattered of shit or escaping as situation is now unmanageable)
When the shit hits the fan, we’re going to need to call in a cleaner
by BLEVE March 21, 2013
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