A hot sexy boy who usually has at least 2 girls with him all the time. Another word for "pimp"
Look at dude, hes a dougie!
by dragonboy267 June 28, 2009
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A Guy which produce's so Much cum it can fill the Earth 2x!!!
Wtf did you see that dougie???
by chornogubskifier February 14, 2009
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A dougie is a male genital/penis/dick
she said "she like my dougie" meaning dick.
by Yung Jizz May 14, 2008
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a slang term for gettin the booty (ass, sexual intercourse), usually used in a bragging manner...must be followed by rubbing ur hands down the side of your waves.
"What you do last nite???" "you know me homie, i was gettin' that Dougie!"
by Louis A.K.A Big Lou April 21, 2008
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founders of Douglaston in new york city. the offical street hustlers...watever you need we got..ur always our custeez.we got bud..xtacy of all typez..coke...crack..heroine..acid...nd the list never ends....soowhoop to the blood gang...dougie DOc..dougie D... ND DOugie Junior....
The Dougies just passed byy and served everything we needed to gettt fukedd upp like never before.
by Dougie Doc May 4, 2008
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a word invented by Preston Smith in 2010 for people who are related to 'douglasses'. People try to take credit for this name when rightfully belonging to Preston Smith. Brad Fraser claims this word was used by a so called 'Ell Bell' when obviously not. The NDSA (National Terrets Syndrom Association) is trying to spred the word that this word does belong to Preston Smith yet Brad Fraser goes by this name thanks to Smith.
hey dougy, how are the cheeks?
by buildembigraiseembiger June 17, 2010
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another word for a 3 piece suit
by Don Son January 14, 2008
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