Someone that licks doors, on a professional level
Donna licks doors for coin
by Eskar8686 April 1, 2020
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Late 40’/Early 50’s.... Drives a Volkswagen. Occasional Drinker. Works as a Waitress to support her kids after the divorce. Least liked mom at the school since she experienced her midlife crisis last june where she accused the moms at the bake sale for putting peanuts in the cookies.
John- “Did you hear about how Donna divorced her husband because he bought her a Volkswagen instead of a Mercedes for her 50th birthday”
Kellie- “I know... crazy right?!”
by BoomerKingdom December 12, 2019
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Aka Amber's drunk alter ego. Choose wisley when she texts you. Only has guys when she is in the form of Donna.
Donna can be fun. Be careful of what you wish for.
Watch out when Amber get drunk she turns into Donna
by Sexyleggedjohn November 2, 2018
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though this phrase is widely known as a "kick-ass rock band", the name also dons the quad of secretaries that work at Hinsdale Hospital. While only two of them are actually named Donna, the group shares a singular title for their horrible, parallel attributes. Such as: rudeness, nosiness, nagging perseverance of trivial things, unmovable and inconvenient resilience to bending the rules, and nitpicky-ness.
"Ugh, I have to go see The Donnas to do some paperwork."

"Karen is the worst Donna."

"My charts were one hour late. The Donnas acted like I personally crucified Jesus."
by KikiMcKikerson December 21, 2009
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A big dits that always falls for jokes and tricks from her kids
Don't pull a Donna and read weird words on urban dictionary.
by Harry ginger 21 September 27, 2017
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The most beautiful and loving creature on earth . It’s can also be used to personify anything that is beautiful .
That princess is as beautiful as Donna . Annabel is so beautiful, she is such a Donna .
by Uchiha Chris December 28, 2019
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An Australian comedy trio that is a business front for the distribution of one of the least common illicit drugs in the country, peruvian snow cocaine.

Aunty Donna have also expressed in a interest in acquiring a popular fast-food pizza franchise to aid in the distribution of peruvian snow cocaine, to be delivered hidden in pizza boxes.

Early evidence of Aunty Donna’s involvement in the distribution of peruvian snow cocaine can be viewed freely in the YouTube video, titled “Havent You Done Well 5: Cocaine - 1999 Ep05”, wherein an attractive lunch lady arrives to an office meeting room, after the trip had been imbibing a substantial amount of cocaine in a number of ways, including insufflation, contact to the skin, and rectal funneling.
She seductively ask is the trio had seen her icing sugar, thereby covering the video from any investigation by Australian authorities for possession of illicit substances.
Aunty Donna are the best comedy act.
(“Aunty Donna” being slang for the distribution of peruvian snow cocaine in this example, and “comedy act” being th quality and purity of peruvian snow cocaine.)
by sven tymanski March 2, 2018
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