Blakely is one of the best people. She’s absolutely gorgeous and she’s super sweet. She’s always there for you and she’ll never let you down. She’s also one of the sweetest people in the WORLD. If you have one of these girls in your life she’s a special and unique one. Don’t EVER let go. She’s also the most beautiful girl ever. Inside and out.
Blakely is AMAZING.
by MË!!!!!! November 27, 2018
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Blake is a cute, sweet, humble, and very nice guy. He will always be their when u need him. But is kinda shy in person when you first get to know him. It can sometimes take blake a while to let down his guard around you. Even though blake might be kinda shy he is crazy when he gets around his friends. He might not talk a lot but when he does it's always sweet or funny, he tends not to be rude. Blake probably has a girlfriends who cares a lot about him, since blake is shy he might not tend to show her how much he really cares even tho he does really care about her. When he's at school he tends to mostly be good kid except for when he is with his friends. That's when he gets into trouble.
Blake is a great guy.

Why is blake so shy?
by Blakes girl forever June 21, 2017
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When you don't get payed back by a grumpy lil dwarf.
by YuhMan12 June 3, 2019
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has a long dong and likes to wong. He gets all the biddies in his sleep.
holy crap have you seen blake wong his wang?!
by Blake the Swegger July 19, 2018
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A Super hot and Sophisticated man, keeps secrets and loves women. Will marry hot &sexy wife who is drop dead gorgeou. Blake had a huge schlong and he knows what he wants and when hes going to get it.
"Hey tracy did you see Blake"
"ya, Susie i wish my boyfriends schlong was that big or that he was that hot and smart"
by goosfrabaa March 11, 2009
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A very nice boy with a good heart. Usually has brown hair and blond tips. All girls love him . He mainly dates people with the letters starting with B or K. He is sporty. And makes friends happy😂. He is usually the best on his sports teams. Blakes usually play basketball or football .
Blake is a hot boy who gets all girls
by Carly hanfell December 17, 2017
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