CT our topic
by Slanggerer January 16, 2016
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Abbreviation for Cape Town. A city located in South Africa. It has a sea and a mountain, a brilliant combination. One of the top tourist destinations in the world.
Person #1: I live in Durban. What about you?

Person #2: I live in CT.

Person #1: Wow! You're lucky!
by obscure_phantasm July 29, 2006
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Short for Cock Tease. Plural: CT's or Cock Teases. A woman that screws with your mind by getting you sexually aroused (eg. grinding againt you) and then rejecting you when you want to take it further. Can result in a case of blue balls if severe enough.
Man 1: Dude, this chick was all over me then totally bailed when I wanted head!
Man 2: Damn CT's man.
by spartan69er April 3, 2006
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Short for communtiy thread.
by Mike C. September 26, 2004
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Abbreviation for: Changing The Subject. As used in text messaging, emails, etc.
"Yes, that portion of the requirements meet with our approval.

CTS: How about dinner Saturday?"
by Wolfpack July 31, 2006
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A cool Christian clan with a lot of nice people and good servers for hl mods.
That cTs server has a lot of people man!
by Molten Lava February 23, 2005
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A group started by sophmores from MA, in 2008. The term started at a basketball game and two friends decided to spread it from there on. Only a select few know the meaning of CT and it will hopefully remain close-knit.
by CTfounder April 17, 2009
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