an expression meaning "Don't take offense!" derived from the popular youtube video of the don't tase me bro guy.
"You slept with my girlfriend?!?!"
"I'm sorry! Don't tase me bro!"
by totally dude April 7, 2008
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something you say when you get tased by the police, especially if you don't deserve to get tased
by BDavidM September 23, 2007
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to whine like a little girl after receiving a punishment or retribution that one deserves
After Andrew's boneheaded diatribe against imaginary evil, his cries of, "Don't tase me, bro!" brought cheers to the crowd as the security guards escorted him out.
by Dr. Jeffery O'Dwyer September 24, 2007
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A phrase popular with white college students due to its usefulness in dealing with the police. Famously uttered by Andrew Meyer in a dozen YouTube clips. Note that this phrase should ONLY be used if you believe that an officer of the law is your "bro" (hence its unpopularity with the non-white/non-rich)
Don't tase me, bro! Ow!!! Owwwwwwwwww!
by Touchable Garments September 24, 2007
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DON'T TASE ME BRO! *Guy tases him*
by asfdgssf September 23, 2007
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An expression said when one person figuratively puts down another person. An expression said in a moment of frustration or exasperation. An expression said when one person gets over on another person. A plea for help or sympathy.
Playa 1: I saw you lady at the club last night. She was really putting on a show.
Playa 2: You know we are havin' problems, don't tase me bro!

DMV Clerk: I am sorry but you need to stand in line F.
Suspended license driver: I stood in the wrong line for an hour? Don't tase me bro!

Dude 1: My car broke down, I need a ride to work. Can you help a brother out?
Dude 2: Sorry man, can't do it, not today.
Dude 1: Please, I'm beggin' ya, don't tase me bro!
by Bif Loman December 20, 2007
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What, all the Lick-Wilmerding kids scream when haji comes around with his taser lookin for money

Jon Hong -"Iono don't tase me, bro"

Haji- "Well in that case..."

by The Official Haji November 2, 2007
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