The use of a tampon paper to roll a joint
I ran out of zig zags so I used a tampon paper to roll a joint. Dawning the tamp-zag.
by Vroth'Aari May 6, 2010
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If someone sports a tramp likely indicates they spend a lot of time "tramping" (translation: they are a slut). When someone exhibits expert tamping skill, it likely indicates they spend a lot of time "tamping" (translation: they are a coffee slut).
"Nice tamp stamp much?"
by Warp42 August 12, 2016
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When a female puts a tampon in, which decides not to cooperate and causes her entire lower body to seize up in terrible pain.
Gina: AAAAAAHHHH WTF!@#$%^&*!!!
Val: Oh man, she's having a tamp cramp.
by wild oranges December 2, 2009
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When someone crosses a line by getting in your bubble, talking to your girl, stealing the bartender or whatever
"Bro, that douche over there was trying to tamp my fuzz while you were in the bathroom"
by TLe93 February 3, 2009
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While playing soccer, one may run at full speeds towards a female who has possesion of the ball. While being on her "time of the month", the player will attempt to kick the soccer ball away from the hormonal female, miss, and punt her right in the vagina. Unfortunately, she will be wearing a tampton. The impact feels as though the tamp has been lodged deep into your vaginal crevaces.
Kris- "Lookout, Brianne, I'm comin for the ball!"
Brianne- "Go easy on me, my uterus is about to explode!"

Kris runs as fast as a speeding train, attempts to kick the ball, misses and boots brianne right in her twat.

Kris - "Whoops."
by aantlion August 11, 2009
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Masturbating while on your period.

Combination of tampon + jack off.
I'm always so horny when I'm on my period, I tamp off so much.
by martianeyes December 9, 2014
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a chaotic race/fight between many women on their period for the last tampon.
Denny: Dude, all the girls are on their periods and there's not enough tampons for all of them. A tampede is imminent.

Jason: Why are we still standing here? Shit's about to get real.
by scrabblemaster19 September 25, 2010
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