(noun)Thick, rich, nasty, muddy, not-runny, semen.
(verb)To ejaculate some swamp. (see above)
Ricky: Dude, I just let out a swamp.

James: Yo, did you get swamped on?
by jk196011 September 21, 2006
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Many people are cheering for Donald to drain "the swamp" on America, not fully understanding that they will be the recipients of the resulting trickle down fecalnomics.
by Truthseeking Otter December 7, 2016
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Noun: nasty sweaty crotch, forming a dank atmosphere inside the jeans.
Yo, Ortega... Does that inner city bus ride that you take every day give you nasty swamp?
by Dilley March 12, 2007
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Sunnydale Projects in San Francisco's Vistatation Valley.
Don't go the the swamp if you're weak.
by bigblock23 February 11, 2005
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Getting swamped; the horrific act of being dumped so harshly questions will be asked for generations, a testament to the survivor of such "swamping" if you may, it proves that they possess incredible courage and drive to pick themselves up and get on with life.
Did you here about Jimmy and Layla,
no what happened?
She got Swamped pretty bad.
by FROOTLOOP77 December 30, 2015
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to have the bus filled with people that all get on at the same stop so that people have to stand up
its gonna be a swamping this avo mate
by chris collier May 27, 2005
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To slap someone across the face with a dried up, crusty, cum-filled tissue.
Prounounced like "stamp".

Wraivyn swamped Chris for being such a d-bag on Vent."
by Kahnrad January 23, 2009
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