A mind stacker is a person who enjoys to confuse you and annoy you.

They will make your mind trip over its self (Hence the MIND - STACKER)

Many people will also call these people "Weird", "strange", "philosophical"
These people are closely related to Karl Pilkington and Amy Fiske
Amy F: What is the speed of darkness? If someone with a split personality threatens to commit suicide, is it a hostage situation? Why does someone believe you when you say there are four billion stars, but check when you say the paint is wet?
Whats the link between all these questions?

Randomer: Thats confusing... I don't know, your such a Mind-Stacker!
by Da-Yum October 17, 2010
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An example of the Louisiana stacker is pretty simple. One southern girl multiple dicks.
by Mike Steel June 9, 2009
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When immediately after you finish wiping, you feel the need to crap again. This creates layers of turd followed by tissue, then turd, then tissue, etc.
After wiping my ass, I felt the need to shit again. The toilet began to look like a BK Stacker.
by Mearnhardtfan August 14, 2006
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A derogatory term for a woman of mexican or other hispanic descent, brought from the fact that cleaning women of such descent seem to stack pairs of shoe upon one another when they're finished cleaning.

Why the hell would I even want my shoes ontop of eachother?
Cameron: So I hired Maria to clean my house today, and she did a pretty good job. I don't know why you gave her such a bad review, man.
Devin: NO! !Dude, go look at where you usually put your shoes
Cameron: -looks- WHAT THE HELL?
by Toeface July 19, 2009
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When 2 ore more girls stack up on top of eachother and you eat them out one by one going top to bottom
Bro I got theses girls to let me have a glazed stacker
by I’m always high January 24, 2023
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Homosexual reference to a 'veteran shelf stacker', implying they're a bit of a slut.
"omg, Mitch have you see Louie today? he's looking fine"
"gurl stay away from him, he's a total shelf stacker"
by Linda85 September 15, 2021
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1. a movie containing many celebrities in order to generate more potential viewers.

2. poor movie usually centered around one particular holiday, event or season e.g. valentines day, new years eve.
have you seen that new "actor stacker" yet? i heard it's mad lame!
by fails April 29, 2012
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