
A person who buys physical silver, gold, or other precious metals as opposed to stocks, futures, ETFs or other paper representations of the physical.
When the silver price dips below 26, the stackers are gonna load up like crazy.
by punzquill December 27, 2011
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A person who cheats in a card game by "stacking" the deck, or arranging the cards in an unfair fashion. Usually refers to someone who shows an incredible amount of luck in a card game.
Jake: Did you see that? That was the fifth Black Jack Danny got in a row!

Amy: That's because he's a no good stacker.
by Loraine L. August 19, 2011
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A female with not so high morals. Similar to skank and ho
We was cruisin on the south beach when we picked up this stacker, and damn did that girl know how to suck.
by Sam4daJabman August 20, 2003
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1. Someone who falls over a lot. To "Stack it"
2. The first person to succumb to too much alcohol and/or weed at the end of a night's piss-up.
1. Hahahaha look over there, that guy just stacked it! He's such a stacker.
2. Laura passed out by 11... She is such a stacker
by Tara Banana May 12, 2004
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A person who carries a plethora of items (beyond the necessities) in his/her pockets or, in general, on his/her person. These items may include, but are not limited to, chapstick, aspirin, lotion, personal hygiene items, pens, paper, pocket knife, snacks, and breath mints.
Erin is such a stacker; that girl's prepared for anything.
by BMc June 12, 2006
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n. A game that pizza joints, arcades, etc. have that usually has really cool prizes like a 360, ipod, psp, etc. but is really hard to win. Involves stacking set of blocks on top of each other as they move back and forth on the screen. As you stack each set it goes faster and eventually you can only stack 1 block on top of another. Some people think the top row is rigged.
Damn it! I was so close to winning that PS3! I just spent $10 trying to beat this stupid stacker game! :(

"No! I don't want to get a minor prize!" (Loses at the last row for major prize) "NO!!!!!!!!!! I spent $50 on this! T-T"
by a llama February 1, 2010
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a person who is very obese or cannot stop eating ot talking about food.
Kranny, that stacker, wont stop eating all the food.
by kilo of kiki December 15, 2006
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