A large, slimy, ranked-out (but firm!) turd somebody leaves on your porch, car, bed, or sleeping cat. Derived from the popular game series Metal Gear. Looks like it has been rotting there for a fucking week! Smells like all hell unleashed, and is so fucking hard to get its stains off of cat fur. Fuck you, whoever you are, Muffin smells like a shitpit!
Person 1: dude, someone left a solid snake on your cat!
*snorts with mirth*
Person 2: Holy fuck!
*shakes with anger*
Muffin the cat: Meow?
by SOAD fan September 20, 2006
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A snake with no spot or design on it. Just plain solid snake.
"Hey, I just found a solid snake under my bedroom"!
by Travis R October 18, 2007
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Some really good creeper weed, i.e gets you higher as time passes.
*Nig* Nigga that was some Solid Snake up in here tonight.

*Nog* You're correct, it wasn't hitting me at first but now I can't find my pants.
by EightEqualsD September 23, 2007
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a character who fully emcompasses videogaming's masturbitory like quality.
stop playing with your solid snake and get some fresh air for a change.
by anonymous March 2, 2005
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in reference to fecal matter, taking a solid dump
dude, i just took a huge solid snake!
by HUNK6677 July 11, 2008
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When your dump is one, long piece. It exits the anus and enters the water swiftly and silently, allowing you to sneak away from the crime scene.
I think Donovan just left a solid snake poo. It's looking at me menacingly from the toilet, but he's nowhere to be found!
by tagmasta June 17, 2011
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To preform this action would be to very sneakily, solid snake style, make your snake solid, as in jerk off. This is often done in situations in which one must be quite about jerking it, such as in voice chat in a video game. Lots of people on discord right now? You can bet your ass one of them is solid snake-ing it.
Yeah, that rocket league match took so fucking long, I was Solid snake-ing it the whole time.
by RyanToBeFunny March 12, 2017
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