A human face that looks like a cartoon character's,
after being hit with the bottom-side of a skillet.
The face is round and flat with a very little nose,
a small mouth, and tiny that eyes are wide-set
and basically expressionless.
"He's buff... but a total skillet face."
"Nice rack, but I can't get past her skillet face."
by Scrappy SamCat January 22, 2009
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when a guy shows off his abs and they are so sizzling hot you could fry an egg on them.
Dude, I go to that church everyday to show these bitches my ab skillet.


I'm not moving a a single inch until you show me your ab skillet.
by susher February 17, 2013
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When someone is so hyper they just can not stop fidgeting.... As in a child who is an energizer bunny....
They are jumping around like a fart in a skillet!
by Leemoons August 10, 2017
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some person's saucepan, used to cook vegetables, poultry, beef, and other foodstuffs.
person 1: i saw yer mom last night
person 2: hahaha, yer skillet
by Mr. Blah February 8, 2005
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Street name for an excessive amount of meth.
"I haves to get going to pick me up a skillet at 25th & R."

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Fart in a skillet.
Word Origin: Butte, MT
A very hyper person, bouncing off the walls, stinking up the joint with their annoying behavior. Typically children, not always.
Grandma says, " You kids get outside and get the stink blown off you. You're acting like a fart in a skillet."
by Fraulein1973 October 18, 2021
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Your homeboy. Not below you, just physically smaller than you. Is always there for you and backs you up when you need it.
"Hey man, thanks for having my back."

"No problem boi, you know I'm your lil skillet."
by Tonguezilla January 29, 2018
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