Someone who is incredibly easy, that has a reputation of being a slut and usually is considered dirty by most people whether they have acceptable hygiene or not.

Also somebody who is available all the time.
Dan: "Hey buddy, I heard you and that bitch Becka broke up. You should fuck around with some skeeze tonight"

Alan: "Wouldn't you get mad if I fucked around with your girlfriend though?"

Dan: "You hurt me Alan, you hurt me..."
by ConcentratedSam April 10, 2011
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A girl who is beyond slutty, nasty, pathedic, and worthless.
I hate her with such a passion.. Wut a Skeeze!!
by DaY-NuH (DANA) July 18, 2005
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a distinct, premium grade of white trash. characteristics: yellow teeth, disgusting facial hair (men), frequently and badly dyed hair(women), wears camo and clothes several days in a row, and a horrible disrespect for the governent and all authority, goes critter bashing as a hobby
My sit next to a skeez in geometry who can't seem to stop talking about how many things they've stolen from Wal-Mart.
by elconyado November 21, 2011
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The infamous Schroel Jiner
girl 1:" oh my god, there is such a creeper lurking around here who always touches me inappropriately, I don't even know his name."
girl 2:"yeah I know! Was his name schroel jiner?"
girl 1: " That's it! He keeps using "the slider" on my shoulders!"
girl 2:" UGH! He's such a skeeze."
girl 1: "Tell me about it..."
by gizzard and beancat February 5, 2008
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skank + skeez = tease
a combination of the two words, usually used to offend somebody, joke around with friends about, or just a politer way of saying skank, tease, etc.
jake: idk man, she totally led me on
michael: well she hooked up with me
mark: yeah she hooked up with me too
all: what a skeez
by SoundOfMadness February 19, 2009
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The state of being so high off cannbis your doing crazy things you would never do while sober. Zoned out. Uncontrollable laughing. Skeeze bag.
Aw man, I forgot to take the Pizza out the Pizza box before I put it in the oven, man I’m so skeezed !
by Caroljane21 February 19, 2018
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