A simp for Gawr Gura - a vtuber who plays the role of a shark from Atlantis. The person mentioned doesn't need to be a simp. The word applies to anyone who watches Gura and often used as a nickname for fellow audience or a self-depricating joke.
A: Did you watch the Phasmophobia stream last night?
B: Hell yeah fellow shrimp
by Ubonihs November 4, 2020
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1. Delicious seafood, especially when dipped in Marinara Sauce, Oyster Sauce, Butter, etc.

2. A small, diminutive individual who lacks in confidence.
That shrimp is eating shrimp!!
by SexxxMuffinz January 24, 2007
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A small, underdeveloped person, most often male. A "90 pound weakling."

Adj. - shrimpy
That kid is a shrimp - you could take him with one hand tied behind your back.
by Rod Brock May 15, 2006
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when a pile of shrimp is left carelessly in a place it shouldn't be
"Hey did you hear ConnorEatsPants got shrimped?"
"Yeah, didn't he say it was Weston Koury?"
by firingdegrading June 14, 2021
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An expression used to describe a person who was just made to feel little of themselves by a particularly harsh insult. Replacing words such as owned, bitched, burned, told, chopped, etc. Derived from shrimp which (even jumbo) are small and frail.

It is the word to describe someone who has just been made to feel small, puny, a bitch, insignificant, a loser, and anything else along those lines.
Instead of: "you just got owned"

Say: "Shripmed!

When Daytona 50 yr old townie try to pick up a dayton college girl and gets completely rejected he has just been SHRIMPED.
by 5th hotel townie spotter May 15, 2009
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Guy or girl whose face is ugly and/or has a terrible personality but has a hot body.
He's a bit of a shrimp; rip off the head, everything else is delicious.
by twistedvintage June 24, 2017
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The Shrimp is a new style of dance requiring at least 3 people roughly imitating the movement of a shrimp and its extremities.

Can be used as verb "Shrimping".

First seen in on youtube at /watch?v=8wVgURuI33U

Originated in Rhode Island.
Person 1: "Gangnam Style and the Harlem Shake are way too overdone."
Person 2: "Have you heard about The Shrimp? It's awesome!"
by TheShrimpMaster May 3, 2013
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