a person who makes up something, or tells a lie, and consistently defends it, with total confedence that they are right...basically, they make some shit up and fuck it to the end til you finally quit arguing with them and punch them in the damn face.
Quit trying to defend your fucking bull, shitfucker!
by franky_madman October 25, 2005
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Simple people to the extreme. Low educated. They are your rural lazy ignorant towns people. Most likely on Welfare, but not all. They do not improve on their lives, they just make them more difficult. They raise shitty families generation after generation. Shitfuckers absolutely love to make little things big. Getting pitbulls, jail, loud trucks, smoking, polluting etc. These people do not at ALL care about their health. Alcohol plays a HUGE part of their life. They make big deals out of the simplest things, and LOVE getting off on it. hence the name shit-fucker. They in essence fuck shit by doing that.

(Not literally I hope).

People who are getting sick of these people or make them sick, have shitfuckeritus a very troublesome illness.
Brian- "Shit man, gota get me some fish, but no bait!"

Ted- "Aah shit, just use your cigg butt."

Sam- "yuckk this town is full of shitfuckers!"

Olivia- "IKR, I think I have shitfuckeritus"
by shitfuckeritus January 2, 2011
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A person or company or anyone that pisses you off. Someone who thinks their smart; but their really SHIFUCKERS.
Who ever thought of this idea is a shitfucker.
When you are mad at anything just say SHITFUCKER.
by Fast Eddie RCL4 June 19, 2004
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"While I am no Clinton lover it's pretty much inarguable, he was miles away better as President than Shitfuck."

"George Bush was explaining what 'his job is' in various speeches and press conferences. I.e., 'you know, one of the hardest parts of my job is to connect Iraq to the war on terror'. No shit, Shitfuck."

"When he was Ambassador to the Saudis did he kiss and hold hands with Abdullah like Shitfuck did and does?"

by kmhebert April 24, 2007
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When you in the middle of having sweet gentle anal sex and then the bitch shits on ur cock
I was doing anal with Tracy and she shitfucked me dude
by Dannyyyyy.g August 5, 2016
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When you get mutually get shit faced with the intention to fuck
“Zach, would you like to get shitfucked tonight?” .

*nods* “I’d love to get shitfucked Mileena”.


by Gasstationpussy November 20, 2021
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