The term originated in Pakistan after a man named Sibtul Shah tricked 18 commoners into investing their hard earned money into a 'scheme'. Sibtul Shah accumulated Rupees (PKR) 70 billion or (almost USD 1 billion) over a period of 18 months. He was later arrested.

A Double Shah is one who lures you to invest money in a ponzi \ pyramid scheme with an unflinching promise of unusually high return on investment.

A Double Shah takes your money on the pretext of doubling or in some cases tripling your money before handing it down to you. A Double Shah promises abnormally high returns and may produce people from your neighborhood, acquaintances, workplace to enamor you into thinking that investment in the 'scheme' is a viable option.
Shah: You should consider buying these utility bonds from me at a discounted price today and after five months there value will quadruple! You may sell it afterward.

Raj: Nay, you sound more like a double shah. I won't make the same mistake twice.
by Jamal101_pk September 6, 2012
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The King of Hearts, The Hero of Dreams. The only Bangladeshi film superstar who was worthy of representing the country on a global scale. He was unlike any hero the public of Bangladesh ever saw. Smart, educated, handsome, classy, talented. He was the full package.

He was particularly known for his subtle & natural acting in the film industry of Bangladesh which is infamous for its dramatic & over the top acting. He was a breath of fresh air in the 1990s with his handsome looks, boyish voice, proper dialogue delivery, eye-catching screen presence & amazing fashion choices. He was also known to experiment with his looks & versatile characters on-screen.

He did 27 films in his short 4.5 year old career & most of them were superhits. As he only lived for 25 years he will be young forever in the eyes of every celluloid loving Bangladeshi person. His popularity will last for generations to come & his legacy will live forever. Because there will never ever be anyone that will even come close to the legend that he is.
Crush of every girl, Idol of every boy & Emotion of every Bangladeshi- that's Salman Shah for you.
Girl: Man Bangladesh has some good actors but nobody is worth of being the ultimate movie star with amazingly good looks, classy attitude & consistently credible acting ability.
Boy: There was the one & only Salman Shah who comes close the being the perfect movie Superstar with every qualities. He came, he saw & he conquered!!!
by Archie Veronica Jones September 23, 2023
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An extremely common word used in the Hindi language referring to a boy that is hot looking and is fun to date.
Mihir Shah looks sexy in that hair, Imma go ask him out!

I want to see Mihir Shah in his boxers, and then I wanna sit on him and let him see what I'M made of...
by Iptordus August 18, 2011
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a gassed-up (usually indian) youth
Friend 1: Hey, did you see that girl?
Friend 2: Yeah, she is such a Jasmine Shah.
Friend 1: Totally.
by Sumaya April 27, 2012
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a character from aru shah! a book that is in RR presents. an absolute bicon (in fannon) and in my humble opinion, can rock both a suit and dress.
Aru shah is often found trying to sneak into Home Depot.
by arushahisatroll September 13, 2021
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The coolest or best of a particular subject.
“Have you seen pewdiepie, he’s like the Saavan shah of youtube.”
by TinyGuy2094 November 12, 2019
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Verb - to rate ones self above all else in the universe. This action is not applicable to Ronaldo , Ghandi or Michael Jackson.
Check out that guy over there he is pulling a Vinal Shah.

Opposite - Michael Jackson is unshahable.
by Szcz1633 March 30, 2009
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