1) refers to when ether you wipe out an entire squad, team or comp in any games
2) When a woman/man has entered the art of sex with a partner.
Wow, we just wiped out an entire team, I guess sexy time has begun.
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something you need sneaky to explain
you can have sexy no no times with a doll
by novajax February 22, 2021
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When you spread out your ass and walk around.
Terry was doing sexy time infront of his friends
by Terry cow January 7, 2021
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This is when you and your bro go in for a hug and accidentally kiss and decide that it would be best of you had raw gay sex.
"Man last night was a really sexy time."

"I know right, when will we have a sexy time again Jacob? I need your touch.."

"Hold off baby, my wife can't know..."
by cornbread749 October 10, 2021
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An activity where one performs sexual behaviors.
"Gee, I'm so sore from all the sexy time I had this weekend"
by Hannah gold December 7, 2016
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