An abbreviation for "session". Used when you want to something private with your friends such as play XBOX (or box), go to a club, talk on the phone, or to talk about secret things with a limited amount of people.
Yo, box sesh later?

Definetly yo see you there.
by Colecch November 30, 2010
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After somone undergoes such a long sesh, they begin to feel ultra-relaxed. Otherwise known as... seshed.

See warped.
by Derek C. March 15, 2005
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1-ANY activity persisting over time horizons, small or large.

2-An abbreviation for the word session.

3-May also refer to emotional, physical, or mental states.

4- Any experience which is definable in time horizons, usually marked by beginning and end, often used as a subtle comment on the impermanence of these expriences.
"Good hack sesh."
"That whole angry sesh ruined my good vibes!"

"Good backpacking sesh."
"good tripping sesh"
Possbile dying words "good life sesh"
by allaboutthemountains November 17, 2009
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when a group of friends throws in a nice fat lip (chewing tobacco) and has some quality bonding time in which they talk about anything. Seshes can be held anywhere but are usually held in the bathroom stalls, cars, or in dorm rooms.
yo tyler wanna go have a sesh at lunch?

you up for a sesh?
by bjchris69 September 20, 2010
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To session something up.

To undertake a certain action or activity.
"Oy sesh some music up"
"What do you want to crank?"
"The Chronic - Dre and Snoop"
"Hardout sesh!"

"Keen for a DF sesh?"
"Hell yeah Nigga lets smash up the dance floor"

"Yo man i am hungry you down for a subway sesh"
"For sure nigga lets roll."
by Ninja Mc Stealth Kill August 23, 2009
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A group of niggas taking turns fucking on a bitch
Yo we out to run a sesh on dame in the bando
by Seshking23 July 28, 2019
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Sesh. Sesh is devouring through several grams of cocaine. Deciding that the pills you bought off your mate the other week would be a fab idea to then chuck down your throat. Also realizing later that the guy your with has MDMA to smash and then washing that down with the goodness of a vodka or two. Oh wait? Someone's offering MCAT? You're definitely not going to say no to that are you before realizing the time is 9:43 am and you've been at it 13 hours in someones grungy dungeon of a living room. THAT is sesh.
"We so need to sesh tonight" "No he's definitely not down for the sesh. Boring." "Literally has the dirtiest sesh last night, I didn't leave until 9:43am"
by seshgremilin10 December 7, 2016
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