Leftovers from sex that always end up on the sheets somehow.
"Ewww, I think I just rolled over on your scoobies again! Gross!"

"Looks like we need to wash the sheets on the bed again. Damn scoobies all over 'em."
by Scotty Smith October 29, 2007
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Large testicles vomited by your Uncle after receiving rotten turkey legs from a homeless Caucasian.
"Hey, I heard that scoobies means large testicles vomited by your Uncle after receiving rotten turkey legs from a homeless Caucasian."
by JuliaErvin May 21, 2009
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As an adjective scooby means very nice or superb.
Person 1: "What do you think of this bud?"
Person 2: "Totally fucking scooby, man."

by Skeeter-Hoe May 10, 2003
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A tosser called LJScoobs
"Hay LJ, Nice Scooby"
by Will Hanzmit April 28, 2009
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A slang term for a joint of cannabis. A ciggarette is a 'half-scooby', or a 'scrappy'. Often shortened to 'Scoob'.
Mark : Blaze up that scooby man i'm dying for some of that shit.
James : Relax man, all in good time, don't rush the kush man
by magicwaffle March 14, 2009
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Use whenever you want to say ''Shit happens'', ''Life's a bitch'', ''Oh well'', well pretty much anything... popularized by Fred Brathwaite a.k.a. Fab 5 Freddy in the freshest movie of all time, Wildstyle (circa 1982)
Fab 5 Freddy in Wildstyle: ''Bitin' your style, man? And they come out here and make money, like, tryin' to hustle me man? Scooby Doo!''
by Charlo March 29, 2005
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