Chewy and Starfox... with a little bit o' Meesha and Peetree... alll mixed together with a little SPICE and sweat!
"Oh God, thats soooo sauce!"

"Sauce on!"

"Sauce off, asshole"
by Perv-o April 13, 2004
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A sarcastic way to say no. Simmilar to "yeah, right" or "Oh really?"

1. Guy 1: so did you do that thing you were supposed to do?
Guy 2: sauce.

2. Guy 1: You know, The Colts are probably going to win the Superbowl again this year.
Guy 2: um... sauce.

by Igor the Pimp October 29, 2007
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what gay men say to their significant other after every remark on aspects of life.
yo dawg his ass was tight but ripped that shit up.....
by labron November 5, 2007
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Sauce, apart from meaning the tomato ketchup etc, means CHEEK.
Thats all, no gay stuff or anything else on here.
They rang up and told me that I'd won a prize then told me I would have to pay £100 for it, "WHAT A SAUCE".
by effp. March 23, 2008
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