1. A comedian who ignores the red indicator light and goes past their time slot on stage.

2. Refers to a person who orchestrates prostitution.

3. A phrase suggesting that someone lives dangerously.
1. I flashed Jerry the red light a few times to give him a two minute warning but he ignored me, running the red light.

2. The pimp has been runnin' the red light district down town for five years and then some.

3. Darnell is too daring, he's runnin' the red lights with his life all the time. That's dangerous for my taste.
by Twistad November 23, 2010
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Originates from the expression, "put your money where your mouth is." If you talk shit you better be able to back it up with your money.
So you say you have gansta ass fireworks, money under mout runnin.
by moneymout July 19, 2011
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A figure of speech in the deep south referring to a person that is trying to hook up with the same person that you are trying to hook up with.
Bill: Hey Tom! I took Kate out on a date last night. We had a good time.

Tom: WTF Bill! Why are you runnin my trot lines!!! I have been trying to get with Kate all week man.
by September 29, 2020
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Popularized by drake in "know yourself." Going around having a great time, fuckin shit up and takin names with your best bros.
"What were you doing last night?"
"I was runnin through the 6 wit my woes"
by Knight201$ May 5, 2015
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when a joint is rolled unevenly, and burns only on one side.
when an ass wipe tries to roll and fails, epically, causing it to burn wrong, then getting his ass kicked afterwards, so u call this runnin like a striped ass ape.
by snj8594 April 24, 2010
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having a nice time off the marijuana, enjoy being high at that moment
Im runnin a nice fade at the moment how bout you
by Big Doyer Peppers January 25, 2021
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