Dried out, rotten vagina, many like the ones of slutty people.
Eww man shes dried roast beef
by Lester October 30, 2003
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The luscious protruding inner lips of a woman's vagina which is men’s favorite part to suck on during oral sex.
These inner lips are particularly sensitive and touching them makes the woman orgasm.
The inner lips of some genetically blessed women grow larger during puberty.
The inner labia of the majority of women more or less protrude beyond the outer labia but since the protruding lips are considered too sexy (too graphic) for soft porn, the guidelines mandate digital removal of these parts before getting them published. So virgin guys who are used to jerking off to porn pussies are not aware of this trait of real-life pussies.
1.My girl’s roast beef curtains can kiss my dick at the same time she’s kissing my lips. It makes me and her madly horny!!!

2.I love rolling my wife’s roast beef curtains around in my mouth. Sucking on those juicy pussy-lips sends me and her to heaven!

3.Mike doesn’t know how sex works. I laughed so hard at that virgin dude when he said he thought girls can get their roast beef curtains stretched out during sex hahaaaaaa
by smartyass March 24, 2010
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A word used by incels who don’t know basic anatomy and will never see a vagina outside of porn other than his mother’s.

Synonymous with “roast beef flaps”, or “meat tent
Don: “That girl has some roast beef curtains! She must have a high body count.”
Jane: “I see you went to a catholic school.”
by Tired Feminist June 1, 2021
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conglomerate pussy flaps that overlap ranging 2-4 depending on age also known as fupa. (i.e. dog with multiple rolls), tends to stink when sweat
Sally's roast beef sheets were getting in the way when I went down on her last night.

My wife's roast beef sheets reeked of tuna fish after 2 days of stagnant sweat.
by Exotic Carnivore November 28, 2009
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when the coochie aint bubblegum pink it's roast beef pbrown
Person 1: I bet that coochie be bubblegum pink
Person 2: nah man i saw that shit it roast beef brown
Person 1: thats nasty hell nawl
by wyatt3m7 June 4, 2023
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A visual description of the labia minora resembling a thinly sliced piece of rare roast beef hanging like a drape. This resemblance is more pronounce on women whose labia minora overhangs her labia majora leaving the edges darker in tone to the pink or ruby color of the inner vagina. Most commonly used when referring to cunnilingus or "going down" on your girl, a particularly pleasurable form of foreplay.
"Hey baby, you mind if I taste me some of your roast beef curtain?"

"I'm takin' her home for some roast beef curtain. Know wha'I'm sayin'?"

"Maybe I could have a bit of your roast beef curtain while I wait for Mr. Viagra?"
by Frankie Mathers October 23, 2006
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Thick, protruding pussy lips resembling a canoe.
The bitch was so busted, I could have paddled away in her roast beef canoe.
by Daniel Forman February 20, 2005
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