(n.) diahrrea, often of the explosive and unpredictable sort.
What Donald thought was a fart had turned out to be a bout of spontaneous regularity.
by Blenderhead91 April 10, 2009
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To be used in a situation when it is inappropriate to use the term dick clown.
Hey kids, you are a bunch of regular clowns!
by BobBob Yeah! May 27, 2009
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Someone who does things in a spectacular way. Phrase originally comes from The Great Gatsby; Belasko, apparently, was a Broadway producer in the early 20th Century.
Sue's a regular Belasko, dressing the way she does and fixing the party the way she has.
by Armstrong January 11, 2005
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He works a hard job typical ya 9 to 5

Only takes hoes to Cheesecake Factory when it's your birthday

Has at least one roommate

Usually drives a Dodge Charger and mostly it's a lease or his baby mamas
I met this guy but, he's a regular nigga.
by Tammi3 April 8, 2016
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a meme/challenge originated by nct 127's song "regular"

it has no specific use or mood but it's mostly used when someone is speechless about something
jaehyun : can we have 3 iced coffees please?
cashier : three iced coffees, what size?
johnny, haechan, jaehyun : rEGULAR HUH
by stay don't stray May 24, 2019
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A guy who is humble, down-to-earth, open and honest, easy to get along with, and generally well-versed about all the usual things people do. Someone who isn't power-hungry, arrogant, super competitive, insecure, or egotistical. A guy you'd want to have a conversation with about things like sports, fishing, camping, hard work, relationships, home repair, music, cars, movies, power tools, etc. A guy who will never embarrass you or cause problems socially and has nothing to prove.
Rodney Dangerfield's character in Caddyshack is rich and wild and probably hasn't picked up a drill in years, but he's still a regular guy. Same with Jackie Mason's character in Caddyshack 2!

You can talk to John about anything, he's a regular guy and won't judge you or talk shit.

Call John when we go shoot off fireworks--he'll love it, he's a regular guy like us!
by DGarb August 18, 2012
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