Kick-ass, beating up someone, winning something, damage. Used for video games or extreme sports.
Aaron poned Halo 3 in a matter of hours.
I could easily pone someone while snowboarding.
by Kaylee Buttons October 10, 2007
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Another term for bone, or own. It used as an alternative. Hence Pone.
My Guitar solo is gonna be good.
Dude you are going to pone.
by steven March 3, 2005
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“Where the poke is my pone” W.D.P.I.M.P.
by The Dictionary of Bowdy May 25, 2020
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Noun. Derived from cornpone. A member of the white American cultural underclass. Candidate white n-word.
President Trump is to the pones what President Kennedy was to the elite.
by Ubersealia July 20, 2020
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How retarded people spell pwn. The word pwn is a typo of the word own, so spelling it pone is just idiotic.
Noob: We poned their team in Counter Strike

Average Person: It's spelled pwned, idiot.

Noob: No, it's spelled pone. Why would it be spelled with a "w"?

Average Person: Because it's a typo of own, and it came from Warcraft III.

Noob: Whatever
by Colder August 26, 2011
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A word rhyming with lonely, it means when you are not in the company of a "special" friend of the opposite sex.
Goodness, I'm so ponely
Tell me about it, ponely is my middle name.
by Becaww October 19, 2009
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The act of dyeing tampons red and throwing them at cars.
Man last night we went poning and raised all sorts of hell
by kevinhasahugeasswang February 5, 2008
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