Hey Paulie check out the massive phones on that broad!
by Ceps February 3, 2011
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A way to blow someone off, without them knowing what the fuck you are talking about.
You might have to phone me on that one.
by 1-800-Phone-Me December 10, 2002
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old style headphones that cover the entire ear
plug in my phones and listen to some tunes
by Iowna Uass August 14, 2008
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Hey baby hey, you cool with phoning later? If not I'll prob just call your friend Becky.
by Detective Kernel August 14, 2011
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That thing that everywhere you look a two year old is playing with
by Cooperlikespizza August 19, 2020
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What parents like to say causes diseases, School problems, Getting Raped or Jumped, And it causes your grades to drop by.. 100%
It's because of that DAMN Phone!
by !_JustanotherPerson_! October 25, 2022
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The object that you look at every 2 seconds and also has flashy light shining
I need to look at my phone.........OWWW! oh, I bumped on a light pole... oh, phone, phone, phone.
by A random piece of cardboard August 25, 2020
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