When a male gets high levels of testosterone and starts yelling and screaming at everyone. He gets highly physical and will try to swing if you push him to that point. When a male suffers from Pavelitis his body gets erect and his face looks like he wants to kill you or take a fat dump. This is common in teenage boys who lay in bed all day playing FIFA.
Mom: Will you get me milk for my cereal

Boy: I aint your slave! stop telling me what to do

Bystander: Dont worry hes just suffering from Pavelitis

*Brother taps his hat*

boy: WTF! did I tell you to touch my hat?! huh? huh?

*punches him in the face *

Mom: Ugh there goes his Pavelitis again
by PRG123 June 21, 2015
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To walk and creep aimlessly; To strive not to cockblock; To surround oneself with Asian friends
I was attempting to study in the lounge, but he perceeded to pavelize by the window.
by Hail Russia May 17, 2010
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Is you love La.ne, plz still talking with him.
He is such a good guy, different, special and a little bit Suicide.
He wants to be with u all his life.
Te quiero La.nie....
I want to be a Pavel someday.
The Pavels are awesome.
Fuckin Pavel , is a Emo, but i still loving him
by PavelLOVE January 7, 2018
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That little bich that uses you all the time and pretends he had sex and drugs only to impress you. If you got attacked he would help you, he would just run away. He probably has blond hair and blue eyes and a disgusting face.
Hey don't be a Pavels.
by That____Girl March 15, 2019
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A guy who is taller than 6 feet and gets all the girls. At first he might seem intimidating but once you get to know him he is actually a really friendly guy whom everyone enjoys to be around.
Wow Pavel is so tall! I wish I were as tall as him.
by Pavel_IsTaken October 30, 2022
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Although it may not seem at first, he is the most caring person out there. He always looks out for you, wants to help you become a better person. He is incredibly loyal. He is incredibly fun, with the most adorable smile. He is smart and talented. Physically, and emotionally strong. He is beautiful inside and out. He leaves marks on people that stay forever. He has the strength to get through anything, even when it may seem impossible. He shouldn't worry about being alone, because even if it may seem like it, he will never be alone, and there will always be people looking out for him.
That Pavel man, he's always got me in Love Again.
by ecuadorian929 February 7, 2022
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