When someone walks up and take's yo shit
damn, man...that nigga just janked my ride
by Jack Mehoff November 27, 2004
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Any noun
"Look at the size of his jank."
"Mah baby's jank smells like butterscotch, yo!!!"
"This shit's so funny, I'm 'bout to piss in mah janks."
by David DiMatteo June 30, 2003
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I janked her so hard she pooped scabs for weeks!
by Jankeyboys August 13, 2009
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(verb)- 1. To jank means to take something that does not belong to you. Usually the offender is sketchy due to a meth binge.
"Don't jank anything from my house while I am gone!"
by Lucky Boy August 5, 2007
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(fr. "Japanese" + "Yank") A young leftist American, usually male (but can also be any Westerner of either gender), who travels to Japan for the express purpose of shallow cultural dabbling, inflation of self-worth, and the search for a supposed sexual haven; teaches conversational English because he/she has no other marketable skills.
This morning the train station in Nagoya was crawling with Janks on a summer exchange program.
by The 2-Belo May 8, 2003
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A word used in any way shape or form to describe anything.
I got real janked after the jankity game. So I found myself Janking this broad, until she told me to jank it in her ass. Damn how jank was that?
I said "jank but no janks"
by Shafedog November 25, 2003
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Pretty much whatever you wanna use it as.

Life in General
"Hey Jack are you brining the jank to the party tonight?"

"Whats up with that jank?!"

"What type of jank is up with you?"
by Jenizzle Fo shizzle February 16, 2009
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