1 Meaning. A thing that causes someone to laugh or cause amusement.
2 Insult. Meaning You're Nothing or Nobody Likes You and Everyone Laughs at you.
3 verb. Make jokes, talk humorously and flippantly
Joel: HAHAHAH Nice joke!
Moe: Thank you!

Boe: Your a joke shut up.
Lee: Bro look at you.


Nordan: HeY gUys Im NoRdaN
Will: Shut up wit dat dumbass voice

William: Hey guys!
Moore: What?
William: I said Hey guys!
Moore: Can you please repeat the question?
William: Shut up
by urfacexddddd October 13, 2017
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A juxstapostion, whether internal (joke includes elements co-existing in an unlikely way) or external (subject or structure of joke creates tension between joke and common reality of listener) intended to arouse amusement.
What did the Buddhist say to the hot-dog vendor?

"Make me one with everything."
by respectabiggle August 24, 2005
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Something funny about an important social issue that makes people laugh, but also think.
What's wrong with same sex marriages? My wife and I have been having the same sex every Saturday night for over five years. (A good joke always has an element of truth).
by yes juanito yes November 5, 2014
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A: Hey dude, wanna hear a joke?
B: Sure!
A:My life
by mesiter31231313123123131 November 30, 2017
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a verb to describe being high, stoned. the word can be used in multiple ways.
1) yo man, i'm so joked.
2) yo you wanna go joke?
3) dude, you're too joked.
3) well, then don't joke.
4) wanna go joke a toke?
by Rustblade October 18, 2004
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Usually said by the British when they see a joke-
back when the law was made in Britain that allows citizens to criticize the king and queen, they had to remind themselves of whats a joke and what's not. Thus the creation of the sentence "That's Jokes" is made.
Hahahahha "That's Jokes" man.
by hamburgermanfunnysajfks December 4, 2019
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The phrase "it's a joke" is often used to lighten a situation as a defense mechanism. Saying "it's only a joke" is often used when the person has not understood or got offended. Reasons may include:

1. The person was genuinely joking and did not mean to cause confusion or offense
2. The person is backing down after upsetting someone

3. The other person fails to see the point, and is reassured that it's not serious
Ben: "I'm so bored, I hate my job! I wish I could grab a beer!"
Boss overhears Ben's comment to his friend
Boss: "How about I fire you? Then you can get a beer, and a new job!"

Ben: "😳 Sorry boss, I was only joking! Look, I'm writing my report now!"

Boss "....."

Person 1: "There are three kinds of people in the world, those who can count and those who can't."

Person 2: "HOW does that make sense?"

Person 1: "It's a joke."
by Lavynia April 5, 2016
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