When someone receives a blow job while taking a shit.
I'm horny and I've got a turtle head poking out, how about giving me a Mississippi mud pump to help things along?
by Mr. Miss June 28, 2009
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an act which enlists a group of posh, pretentious twats, who, usually, know each other from the villages' local cricket teams. Said twats get naked, and all do a shit on a long peice of heavy duty plastic which is laid out down the length of one's garden. They then proceed to take turns in running up to and sliding down the plastic, which by now is covered in shit.
posh twat 1: "oh Mortimer, do join us for a Mississippi Mud Slide on Saturday after cricket."

posh twat 2 (who we now know as 'Mortimer'):"That'd be just splendid if I didn't have an infected bock boil. I'll come along for the chinwag though"
by el kizzle May 2, 2009
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When the male partner has diareha and shits in the female partners mouth. The the female opens her mouth and the male dips his nut sack in her mouth. Then slaps the female in the face with it. Leaving a mud like substance on her face. (Mississippi Mud Slap)
I wasnt feeling too good so i gave her a Mississippi Mud Slap.
by Trey1234 June 22, 2011
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The act of rubbing your ass across your partners face during intercourse and leaving a Mississippi mud track.
Damn boy, I hooked up with this bitch last night, bitch would not stop screaming so I gave that bitch a Mississippi mud track.
by physiqz March 21, 2010
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During intercourse between a male and a female, the man crouches down on the womens' chest, and takes a shit on her chest. The shit is then used for lube, which the women jacks off the male with it. Then the semen is mixed with the shit, and they feed it to eachother with their feet.
Tyler:Hey Brandon want a Mississippi Mud Pie?
Brandon: No thanks, Kaleigh already gave me one.
by andihopeuchoke February 14, 2007
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When you use the jelly from a 600lb persons bed sores as anal lube to fuck your favorite cousin on their power chair
Hey Cheyenne, I can’t wait to try the Mississippi Mud Strip on my first cousin Jennifer. I’m gonna use the jelly from Chris’s bedsores.
by Skizzledizzle January 27, 2021
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