A response to something that is disagreed with.
Jesse: You should go to bed. Your way too drunk!
Jason: Merp, Merp!
by Gin&Tonic October 25, 2009
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1. Verb: What hobo's say when they find a freakin' penny in donated money.

2. Verb: What pre-teens say when they have a spazz moment.
1. Oh great I got a freakin' penny!!! MERP!!
2. Oh my god MERP! ma ma ma MERP!
by crazycats April 30, 2011
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A tackle of love, a very pleasant hug or intercourse
Guy 1: uhh, why is that girl running straight at me?!
Guy 2: She's got her arms open and a big smile on her face... You're about to get merped, bro!

Girl 1: Hey best friend!
Girl 2: Hey!
Girl 1: Merp!
*long hug*

Girl: So I was with my boyfriend, making out and stuff, and one thing led to another and we eventually... you know... merped
by Detchro July 14, 2010
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a noun, an adjective, a verb and an adverb; a state of mind and a way of life.

Can include day drinking, breaking public property, getting excessively drunk in low key situations, binge drinking for weeks at a time, and living without understanding of what it means to be sober.
Let's merp tonight, merpers.

I'm so merped out from that bottle of vodka I drank alone last night.

"I'm merping" in response to someone asking what you are doing.

That was the most merpy night I've ever had.

You took that bong hit so merpedly, brah!
by flingfling March 3, 2011
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A sound you make when someone says something that makes you down.
Guy 1 : Faggot!
Guy 2 : Merp. *looks at feet*
by gabbzke March 17, 2010
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A word used to break a silence, akward or otherwise, and jump start conversation. Not owned by any one person.

Jeff: Whats up?

Becca: Not much.

Jeff: Cool.

Becca: Yeah.


Becca: Merp

Jeff: Hey thats my word!

Becca: NOPE
by Beecca June 28, 2011
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