I am me, and you are you. You can't be me because I am me and not you. You aren't me, but you are you.
You: Hey!

Me: me?

you: No, you!

Me: You?

You: No, Him!

by Not you, me April 22, 2010
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A phrase used to interrupt someone during their conversation while also confusing them.
Matt: So I was hanging out with my girlfriend yesterday...
Steve: Was it me?
Matt: Huh? What? No!
by Killzark May 23, 2010
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Look inside your closet, there you can see me.
Me: Yeah, Stop Jerking off to gay hentai.
by Michael:0 October 23, 2022
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A fuck-face who shold be doing her homework but is currently fucking up the already fucked up website that you're using
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Mostly used down south, As a way of swearing or promising to a fellow cool person without sounding sentimental.
ME: Aye bro this is some Gas ⛽️

Plug: On me, that shit fire.

Homie: bro do this look like and 8th

Me: On me he skimped you.


Cousin : you say on me a lot

Me: On me.
by Iletmyplugwalk December 15, 2019
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This is the real me.

I’ve never worn makeup

Or even a crop top

I bite every single fingernail

My face is so very pale

But then again, I’ve got red ears
I’m so weird and queers

My hair, always in a messy bun
When it’s down, looks like it wants to run

Away from my face, it sticks out frizzy
I’m all in a tizzy

Ive got braces
And bold glasses

But you know what? This is who I am
I don’t need to be watched by a cam

I love to be me
Because I’m so free

Of jealousy, no wishes to be someone else

None of that stress

Let’s stop with comparison
And promote self-love, saying, “I won!”
This is me, the one that isn’t fake, but instead is truthful. The one that knows her faults, but is still proud.
by Ok hun September 18, 2019
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