What Bob Menery says when he thinks someone did some cocaine.
Tiger Woods must have been with Dustin Johnson in stall four doing some RIPPER MAGOOS before this putt.
by RIPPER MAGOO March 23, 2018
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When someone is the stupidest, most sightless douchebag you have ever seen.
Verne Lundquist is the world's largest Douche Magoo
by The original Kat November 9, 2014
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A type of marijuana with a ton a THC. Has dark to light blue leafy shoots and long hairs.
Damnit Steve, you smoked the rest of my wonderful Blue Magoo, and now I cant get lifted.
by josquin March 15, 2010
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Someone who partakes in ass injections to swell their muscles beyond human size.
"wow that steiner is a real roidy magoo"
by Broke in Hoboken March 26, 2016
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Simply put: Best drink ever! If you've never had one, you don't know what your missing! Get into your local watering hole as quickly as possible and ask your local purveyor of adult libations to pour you one. If they claim they don't know what you're talking about; spit on them and leave. Life's too short to spend time in a place where you can't get a decent Thirsty Magoo!
Truxx was having a pretty bad day until he walked into the bar and announced "Thirsty Magoo?, Don't mind if I do!" After the first sip, he knew everything would be fine and there was plenty of time.
by Bob Dobalina August 3, 2007
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n. The ultimate spectacle of sporting fortitude. It is a race consisting of 5 parts.
1)Smoke a bowl or a blunt
2)Drink a 40 oz beer
3)Run a mile
4)Eat a pint of ice cream
5)Go to a crowded place and recieve 10 personalized autographs.
First person to finish all the items in that order is the winner.
The magoo mile is the real man's sport, if you have any balls, you'll do one tomorrow.
by Mowgli and Badu November 8, 2005
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Used as a verb, this describes when a person succeeds, not through deliberate action, but through sheer dumb luck. Despite all odds and opposition, the person emerges victorious, sometimes not even aware that he has succeeded, like the cartoon character Mr. Magoo. Can also be used as a sports term, when a team plays a terrible game but somehow through luck emerges victorious at the end. Can be referred to simply as "Magoo".
"Yeah, I admit I completely Mr. Magoo'd my way through that fight. I didn't even know he hit the ground for a minute."

"Hopefully the Patriots can Mr. Magoo their way to another win like last game."
by Dak Smacka February 6, 2012
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