1. adj: sloppy, untidy
2. adj: extremely gluttonous or crapulent, as in the nearly constant consumption of barbecued ribs, pizza, fried chicken, gravy, or mayonaise
3. n: a sloppy or gluttonous person
"Shit, I'm getting all madden with these submarine sandwiches"
by ekooooo October 14, 2005
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*in england*
"Ello, could you stop that? It's utterly maddening!"
by alliepoe February 1, 2009
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Thinks she’s better than everyone. Very controlling over her best friend and her best friend doesn’t even know what’s she’s getting herself into. But she could change
Madden: umm I don’t post that sort of stuff and bestie I’m I shouldn’t either but cute pic

Bestie: ummm okay
by Thisgirlhonest September 9, 2020
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1. Adj. Person disposition which is constantly angry.
2. N. A person usually adult who acts like a gangster and usually living in their mothers house, usually has children and no job and plays video games frequently.
1. Adj. explaining the character of a friends "attitude" whom constantly overacts. "Madden king slaps girlfriend over making him get killed in call of duty"
2. N. A person living at home with parents freeloading. "Madden king still hasn't left home."
by Ghostly bear July 10, 2013
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