"Hey Red-nut reckons you can't have the print room door open because it's too hot"
"What a JP!"
"Yeah he's a douche!"
by manbearpig1234 October 6, 2009
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someone who tries to masterbate but is unable to
that kids a jp
haha what a fucker!
by penissuck October 29, 2007
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Junior Partier pron. (joon-yer par'ti-er)

Noun. 1.One who can not party. 2. Person or persons that fall asleep easily, pass-out early, complain about anything and everything, whine and cry about trivial circumstances. Adj. 1. Used to describe people mentioned above.
1.Thomas fell asleep thirty minutes after everyone arrived at the party, what a JP!

2.JP Thomas fell asleep thirty minutes after everyone arrived at the party.
by No JP Matt September 28, 2006
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JP short for Jizz Pants, a person who nuts in their pants with minimal stimulation. For example in a strip club in Blackpool.
Hey see that Pat, he's a real two pump chump let's call him JP.
by Gary_T April 17, 2015
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Shortened form of "Japanese". Used in the FFXI gaming environment to refer to Japanese players.

Preferred to other shortened forms like "Jap", which is considered disrepectful.
JP only, ((sorry, I don't understand English)).

My JP friend gave me these balance rings, I'm so lucky to be a linkshell with JP players.

It's hard to play with JP players because of translation issues, but they really rock in combat.
by Moonbug October 30, 2004
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v. An acronym for the phrase Junk Punch.
Stop being an ass, or else I'll JP you.
by Massimo2112 September 4, 2007
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did u see that kid try n do that keg stand he threw up all over himself, what a JP.

this guy is really struggling to crack that blunt, lol what a JP
by Mr. Raxby Haledocious December 21, 2010
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