A generic nickname used to give to a person of the male gender. Used commonly in hipster circles, mostly back in the '60s and '70s. See Marlon Wayans' character's usage of it in Requiem for a Dream for a good example.
"You hooked us up? Solid, Jim."
by jimmyjinkins October 31, 2006
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Roy: Harpor!
*Jim turns around*
*Roy tries to take a swing at Jim*
by Spelleranon April 8, 2007
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A being that is usually always bipolar. Has a very short temper usually triggered by anything spicy or from north of the border. Has a tendency to be an exuberant lover of land rovers, especially old rusty ones covered in tetanus. He has a history of turmoil with the A595 in Cumbria, which has been a place of many explicit rants. Including violent threats towards colleagues. His nickname used to be Trailer Jim until he lost it. If you go on google earth you can see a huge gouge across the land in Dovenby, this will be his legacy for all of time.
Oh not again Jim.....stop stroking that Land Rover.
Did you hear about big rig? He's lost that trailer again.
10 4 rubber duck
by rg177 June 6, 2019
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the perfect man. A Jim enjoys coffee, beer, cigarettes, and killing Nazi zombies. He knows how to use a sword, namely, Sting. He is handsome, loyal, romantic, talented, old, and genuine. He has an awesome girlfriend who loves him more than anything in the world.
"Dude, Jim's girlfriend is awesome!"
"I know! She must be a Charlotte."
by charliegonebad February 6, 2010
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The new word all the lazy kids use instead of the john so that they can confidently say they hit the gym that morning.
I've been able to hit the jim consistently every morning.
by toolazytocomeupwithagoodname November 10, 2019
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Someone who is extremely disappointed in all the people that earned him the horrible definitions.

I am VERY disappointed in the Jims.
by Disappointed21009 December 3, 2018
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Directly after having sex with your sister you shit the bed
I just pulled the jim last night (jimmy gaus)
by Gracegaus27 March 1, 2016
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