Someone who's annoying as hell, makes raciest jokes, and accidentally wins at everything.
I'm breaking up with you Felicia! You know why? You're a Jar Jar Kisser!
by Tree Loving Man March 13, 2020
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The guy that tries to be funny who everyone hates.
Dude, don't be a Jar Jar. If your gonna lick the fruit, then actually eat it.
by BankrupTeen November 30, 2015
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Person 1: Woah! It's Jar Jar Binks!

Person 2: Shoot it immediately.
by egg daddy March 2, 2018
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The coolest mutherfuckin mac daddy pimp on the planet. And don't you forget it.
"Jim-Jam, what happened to the wheel covers on my landing gear?"
"Mesa sell them to buy mesa space-jiff!"
by WhoisHomer February 5, 2005
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by dj gs68 July 11, 2003
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Jar Jar is a much better character than Natalie Portman or that Annikan/darth vader boy.
new star wars sucks

they forgot to make them violent and humorous and turned them into soap operas
by suck my balls December 11, 2003
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The beastest star wars character and someone very clumsly
Also said jar jar
by wat m8 March 1, 2016
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