Itchy ball syndrome- when your testicles are overly itchy
Damn that interview was hard, i had IBS all the way through
by Jimothy durm October 28, 2015
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abbreviation for Internal Brain-damage
the IB is drivin me insane dude!
by internalbraindamage November 3, 2006
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Irritable Bowel Syndrome. It's when your sphincter releases liquid hot magma loaf-demons unreservedly and without reason.
Cordova: Hey Jim, what's the deal? Why is there brown fluid spilling down your legs?
Jim: It's IBS. And it burns.
Cordova: Haha, it must suck to feel like a moron.
Jim: stfu bbq!
Cordova: Roflmao knewb, I'm not the one with IBS!
by October 3, 2005
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Intelligent Bullshit--the stuff that is written and submitted for a grade that is essentially bullshit, but it sounds intelligent
"Dude, what did you write for your lab report discussion"
Nothing man just IBS
by DarwinsWetDream September 28, 2011
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International Bull$$$$ (IB) offers low quality programmes of international education. Although this education is pointless is it still used by many schools. The intellectual, personal, emotional and social skillsare at Pre-Kindy requirements when this type of education is used. There are more than 555,000 IB students who are made to comply with this horrible system. The global community is at a serious risk, as half a million people will struggle to grasp an answer without investigating, designing and even spending hours wasting precious time ‘planning’ their approach to an answer, that to the I.B, is completely irrelevant

The I.B has many objectives on their academic agenda. Possibly the most profound ideology that the wonderful I.B system represents is the ‘no answer’ policy. Don’t worry about the answer, that will look after it itself. Just blabber on about how you got there, after all, it’s the journey that counts, not the destination. Well, in the I.B’s point of view, anyway.

They also seem to like handing out seemingly pointless assignments to student over long weekends, obviously just to fit a gaping hole in the curriculum. Never mind about algebra. The I.B has a better idea: studying cracked tiles and hopping, bouncing and jumping kangaroos is far more beneficial to the lads of the global world.

There is so much to talk about the I.B, nd I’ve only got one page. Seems a pity for such an excellent, to-the-point academic system. Often described by insults such as “rawkous”, “ridiculous”, and even the foul “rumpus”, the I.B desperately needs a change before something disastrous happens, such as a child war, or a planned bomb raid.
omg how the hell did u get that answer ....... I didnt ...but you got top marks ........ well i talked about y i didnt get the answer ARHHH IB RAWKOUS
by Tom n Xave August 28, 2007
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Abbreviation for International Baccalaureate, an international program of education that is taught in more than 105 countires worldwide. It is similar to Advanced Placement, yet IB is a programm in which you can graduate with an IB diploma. IB classes are based on an international ciriculum and are either Higher Level (HL) or Standard Level (SL), HL are two year courses, SL are one year courses. Hated by most and loved by few, it is academically rigorous and difficult, and not for the light-hearted.
1- Ey yo, you takin that IB Anthropology class wit Aleo, that joint is hard.

2- Gar-field IB program is hard shit young.
by Josh M October 25, 2003
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International B*****. That's the abbreviation for the people who came up with this censored.

IB students don't talk like a ghetto kid.
Student 1: Yo nigga y can't me be in da IB joint?

Student: Because you are an idiot.
by JJ January 3, 2005
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