A show about three gay ass kids that do a dumbass webshow, that is not fucking funny at all. The main character, Carly, is a dumb brunette who looks like a cartoon that just got wacked in the face by a mallet and she tries to say funny shit even though she can't. Also, this bitch is a singer who sings worse than Hannah Montana(Big Shock). Then comes Sam. She is the tomboy of the trio and loves chilli and making fun of the loser, Freddy. She is the only one on the gay show that has a femine appearence. Then their's Freddy. The Technical Producer of icarly. He is a gay fag who makes out with computers. He has no life of his own so he hangs out with carly and hits on her all the time (I don't know how much they had to pay him to do that)....maybe 5 mill. And also, Carly has a brother, Spencer. He is the only semi-cool one on the show. The worst thing about the show is that it uses other company products and changes the name around.

Ex: Pear pod(i-pod)

Pear phone(i-phone)


If you watch this show and your a guy.......You must be pretty fruitty.
(Joe is calling Jim, 8:00 pm)
Joe: Hey man, I just scored us two chicks for the night, then were hitting a party, i'll be at your place to pick you up in 5 mintues.
Jim: Yeah, can we go in half an hour?
Joe: Why?
Jim: Well, im in the middle of watching an icarly episode and it's really good.
Joe: WOW...sorry man, i didn't know you were gay, i'll hook u up with a guy instead, ight.
Jim: Im NOT gay, I just love icarly
(Joe has his phone on speaker-phone and all of his freinds are hearing him).
Everyone in the car: Sure your not!
(Their all laughing at Jim)
by speakin the truth April 21, 2010
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some gay ass show with some homosexual kids that think making a web show is cool. these faggots need to get a life and make more friends. carly is a little whore that sucks balls at acting and thinks she's hot. sam, a little tomboy bitch who rips on the little raper freddy all the time. freddy, like i said above, a little raper and an annoying cock sucker. carly's grandpa "granddad" is a dick wad that likes to suck spencer's balls and wants carly to live with her in yachma so he can lick her pussy all day, but actually.. spencer is the only cool one cuz he's supposingly 26. that teacher bitch mrs.. um.. i dont remember is a fucking ass skank who likes scottish dancing and a bunch of other shit. thats about it.. so pretty much, what im trying to say is that this show is about some punk ass dickhead who need to get a lives of their own.

Oh, i remember now, the skank's name is ms. briggs.

Carly: suck my balls grandpa
Grandpa: maybe later..
Sam: I'll do it
Freddy: Get the fuck out of my way Sam, Carly's pussy is mine
Carly: sure why not.. a faggot 10 year old is probably all i'll get in life..
by Lakashumbi January 3, 2008
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a show on nickelodeon that can be funny at times but most of the time its just fucking annoying. its about a prissy teenage girl named carly and a tomboy named sam who thinks shes all badass but really shes just a poser. there is also a chubby gay kid named freddy and together they do a web show called icarly thats not funny at all. the only characters on the show that actually make the show entertaining is carlys brother, spencer, and a boy named gibby
person 1: dude have you seen icarly?

person 2: yes, its so fucking annoying
by flapjackFTW August 28, 2010
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What lil pump has his wet dreams to
by D Rosewald August 12, 2017
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2 girls and 2 boys star in this show. It is hillarious and cool.
Carly, Sam and Freddie run a web show that is really funny.Keep up the good work, icarly!
Carly: Spencer be quiet! We are trying to have a marriage icarly webisode!

Spencer: So potato chips aren't important?

Carly: Just get out

Spencer: Ok.

(HA HA HA! Funny right?
by EllieInHerPajamasGirl October 13, 2010
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a show that only awesome peolpe watch. By the way, the other people who thinks icarly stinks, your feet stink and you dont love jesus!
haha, hows that?
blake amerson: so guess what i watched icarly last night it was awesome, like me.

Guys; well if blake is watching it then it must be really cool.

by the sc June 27, 2008
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