to be in a limited physical state, i.e due to flu or massive alcohol consumption 2. To be in limtied physical appearence i.e A 4.... on the 2-9 scale
Damn I have total hurtness from drinking last night 2. Damn that bitch is hurtness
by Steve January 6, 2004
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1. a term connoting ugly beyond normality. typically said in regards to a girl who is severely deluded in her perception of herself as attractive.

2. A girl so ugly that she evokes sympathy

3. someone who is so ugly that they hurt one's eyes.
His new girlfriend is one hurt ass bitch! Someone tell her to stop dancing on the bar before she makes the bartender throw up.

I feel sorry for her... bitch be hurt!

Ouch that girl is hurt. I'd have to drink about six more shots before I'd even consider hitting it.
by inhumanegenius October 21, 2010
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Being high as hell. Especially when you feel to high to move.
Yo man im soooooo hurt off that haze!
by Robert J Terrymerry September 2, 2005
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When someone is really hungover from a long night of drinking, and you can tell they're feelin it.
Friend 1: "Hey man look at Julie, she looks soooo hurt right now."

Friend 2: "Yeah dude, she was hammered last night."
by jollygreengiant14 November 15, 2010
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Warns others nearby of an ugly chick in the vicinity of the yeller. All who hear, must also yell hurt so that everyone's aware of the ugly chick.

Also used as an adjective to describe someone who is just bad overall.
First Person: "Hurt!"

Everyone nearby: "Hurt!"


"Wow Darren is so hurt!"
by mrsuperblackjack September 26, 2011
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