Quilt-hoggers are generally slutty little bitches, who renounce they love anal, but the look on their face says otherwise.
They are overly attracted to men, generally those who have already been with someone, who has used that quilt....
GIRL, your such a quilt-hogger. Footmunching quilt-hogger
by RabbiJohn July 25, 2010
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A person, either male or female, who despite purchasing their clothes from highstreet stores, get particularly cranky if someone else has the same items as them. They may even go as far as to "ban" another person they know from owning the same item, even though its store of origin is commonly used.
"Sarah got grumpy with me because I said I wanted the skirt she had"

"Oh just ignore her, it's not like it's designer. She's such a High Street Hogger"

"Dude, where's your shirt from?"

"Wal Mart. But you can't get it, I don't like people having the same stuff as me!"

"Oh don't be such a High Street Hogger"
by Highstreetlover September 25, 2009
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someone who hogs being on top while making out or fucking and makes the other person be a bottom
david is a top hogger, he never lets me be on top
by 843184 January 5, 2020
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A person (da cutest kitten) who trys to stay relavent when they really aren't
Oh look its the attention hogger again
Oh look they said something and left what a surprise
by A randome youtuber July 11, 2018
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When some one is hogging all the nuts.
Ex: "Janet, stop being such a nut hogger!"
by Lobo Clone6 October 22, 2014
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a person or thing that fishes from shore, also can be used to describe someone who is a fag
you don’t want to fish from shore like a bunch of pea hoggers
by the bloody pea hogger August 31, 2020
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A person who holds the elevator hostage for his leisurely pleasure of riding the elevator up and down. Aka a flying dingbat
The elevator hogger did not let us go to our room!
by Rill GiktokExcelticus July 13, 2018
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