noun, adj, adverb
When one acts obnoxious. They act a little gay, a little retarded. Thus creating..."gaytarded, gaytard, gaytardedly"
"Did you hear that Johnny didn't even get accepted to Massasoit???"
"Jeez dude, he's such a gaytard!
by TheGaze February 1, 2007
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A person who has sexual feelings towards the same sex, and is also a retard.
Drporkchop is a fucking gaytard! What kind of name is that anyways!?
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something you call someone when they have just said something so retarded that your grandma thinks its cool.
you are such a gaytard
by me April 7, 2005
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When a person is gay and is a retard, Gaytard
by 122'R January 6, 2011
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one who is not only gay, but retarded as well!
Braden is the most gaytarded boy in the whole world!
by Dillon, Jamie, & Erin July 1, 2004
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Something stupid cocky guys call other guys who dont fit into a social "norm".
guy trips
jock: whadda gaytard!
by JustSayin February 29, 2012
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