When something is of distaste, displeasure. It can also refer to something that is not operating correctly. Or when something is acting as if it wants to have sex
My computer is all fucky
The dog is being fucky again
My brain is fucky
by BigManCowboy January 12, 2022
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The number six-hundred-ninety. The number 69 ("Fuck") times ten is Fucky.
I'll buy that horn for fucky dollars
by Chodeser September 4, 2005
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Today sucked, I had a really fucky day at work.
by stevied2 May 16, 2011
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A person who does dumb things, is for example clumsy, and acts weird/dumb/like a nerd.
Fuckie , Now we need to clean the mess up!

You're such a Fuckie!

Look at that guy, He's a real Fuckie.

by Freejtjuh October 4, 2008
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Like fuck but not as severe. You wouldnt call someone a fuckies, it wouldnt sound right. And its not really an activity either.
"oh fuckies i forgot my mobile"
by towel401 January 11, 2004
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From Peaches "Aa Xxx":

"licky licky sucky
nobody here can tell me they dont wanna fucky fucky"

by Saturnia November 5, 2003
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1)to have sex with
2)To feel fucked up
1)Boy:I'm horny kelly, Lets make fucky!!!!
Girl:Ok lets go!!! i like to make fucky with you!!!!
2)After that beer i felt fucky
3)I like making fucky
by Kelly Caposcy March 19, 2008
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