Put a cap in your ass popular from saints row
Johnny Gat to ben king:Ima Skull Fuck that bitch
The playa (the protagonist you): Hope you don't mind hepatitis

Johnny Gat:What? (elevator dings all of you exit)
by Fingerblaster43 September 24, 2017
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Any act of intercourse between two mammals scalps. This feels really good if you have long, dirty-ass hair, and you are a complete faggot.
Before I got on the airplaine I skull-fucked Tyler, and as a result I got dandralitis.
by Odyssey of the uterus September 24, 2003
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Originally invented in the dirty 30's by Jacques Cousteau, and manipulated for personal use in the late 90's by some dude in Scotford. The Scotford Skull Fuck is an off-the-wall role playing sex adventure technique in which one person (usually the hot broad with the big lips and a tight ass) dons a SCBA (Self-Contained-Breathing-Apparatus) mask, purposely neglecting to attach the regulator. The other player in this sex-romp strips down to his skivvies and proceeds to insert his member (dong, penis, strap on, dildo, horsecock) into the SCBA mask mouthpiece. A full on face-fuck ensues for the next 37 minutes, until one of the parties involved passes out from pure orgasmic enjoyment... or over exertion.

The wearer of the mask then must lick up the salty mess and do the dishes after.
Crash: Hey dood, you ever role play before?
Christian: Yeah man, my girl diggs it!
Crash: Well I Scotford Skull Fuckked your girl last night while diddling her clam, and she did my dished after!
Christian: Bastad.
by BezEhBeh October 4, 2010
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Something (often either an action or event) that taints the value/worth of everything previous.

Drawn from the movie "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" and refers to the damage done by the movie to the rest of the movies.

May not completely destroy the legacy, but rather it taints the image of the past.
Dude, that girl you hooked up with last night just crystal skull fucked your social life.
by hoyahaxa33 February 24, 2011
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Similar to a Skull Fuck but to a much more of a psychologically damaging degree, and with little to no effort.
I asked Jimmy to prove to me that he exists, and he could not. It was the ultimate Jedi Skull Fuck.
by King of America December 16, 2006
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When a film is remade or a film franchise is rebooted that ruins the positive connotations you had towards the original films.
Tim Burton's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory really crystal-skull-fucked the Gene Wilder version.
by Michigander Slammer May 23, 2015
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