When you're fucking a girl up the ass and piss in it
Ohhh yeah ohhh yeah
ahhh... that was refreshing
by NateDoGG January 27, 2005
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Whereby one uses dish soap as lubricant during anal sex, therefore simultaneously cleaning and pleasuring the anal cavity.
Dude, I totally gave Nick an Amish enema last night, good thing he was Amish, he knew exactly how to do it.
by diablo0880 March 26, 2009
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The act of ejaculating semen into the partner's rectum, then while the penis is still inserted, the person begins urinating in the anal cavity. Then when finished, the person pulls out the penis and punches the partner in the ass while the urine and semenal fluid oozes out.
Did you hear about Marcus? He didn't come to school today because Stanley gave him one hell of an Enema Bulldozer last night.
by i jah April 26, 2009
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(noun) A powerful mixture of soap suds, betadine and hydrogen peroxide used to promote defecation in constipated individuals, often with explosive results.
Glenn M: This guy is so constipated, I wonder if we should give him a Glantz Enema.

Andy G: That would be a Glantzing blow.
by Azz Kicker September 16, 2010
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The combination of a douchebag and an asshole. Not to be taken lightly.
Kanye acted like a complete enema bag at the VMA's.
by Anonymless November 8, 2010
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When, after unprotected anal sex, the ejaculate and lube, combined with having had a dong poking around in your butt, cause you to drop a dook.
That gangbang gave me a spunk enema; as soon as the last guy finished I shoved him off me and ran to the bathroom.
by VelmaTallbot July 2, 2013
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A fancy yet amusing term. It basically means to defrag and delete a ton of files on your computer after you've accumulated a large sum of useless crappy files you no longer desire to have (or are getting in the way of important stuff).
Bob: Dude! My computer is running slow as shit! And I have so much crap on there I can't find half the files I need!

Joe: I think it's time you give your computer a digital enema.
by FrostyBlackMetal July 24, 2011
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