Quote: "It's when you take one shot of doom, and u chase it with another shot of doom." taking these 11-12 shots at once will make ur nite into a memorable one. Whether u end up in detox, naked under a bridge with a hairy middle aged man who cant speak english, or in a crib with deef looking over you, the double fisted doom will designate you "a man".
HOLY SHIT! that double fisted doom hit me like getting ur pubes ripped off...damn
by deef remington October 22, 2007
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When a guy sticks both of his fists into his girls asshole. He then pulls his fists out and rubs the poo from the asshole on the girls chest while saying "double fist to chestie"
1)Guy: Do you like poo?
Girl: Yes!
Guy: I'm gonna give you a double fists to chestie.

2) bitch, come over here and get a double fist to chestie
by BenDover686868 September 30, 2011
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while standing, holding left hand firmly around base of erect penis. next put right foot on chair in front of you, take right arm to the outer side of the knee, and put hand and forearm under back of knee and squeeze forearm firmly at the back side of the knee joint until right hand goes numb. now you have a stranger to masturbate you.
one day in rehab, cheetos and bones, found a new way to do the double fisted stranger
by geebsmonk May 22, 2009
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this widely known form of masturbation most commonly takes place in the shower. but can also be preformed in a locked room wit the usage of ones saliva and/or lotion (if hes lucky enough to have at the time).

if not they may use other lubrication formulas such as:

eggwash, brownie batter (without walnuts,,,self explanatory), hand sanitizer the most common household usage....acne medication AND saved jizz from a previous masturbation.
OMG! i just walked in on larry preforming the double fisted masturbation! The amateur didnt lock the door.
by the double fisters November 29, 2009
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The act of putting your left fist up a womens ass and the right one up her vagina and then proceeding to swirl your fists.
1.) Last night i gave Maradeth a nasty double fisted swirl.

2.) Cindy cryed after i gave her a painful double fisted swirl.
by xxthesaintx May 8, 2009
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The act of two dudes coming up beside one dude and picking him up atleast 1 foot into the air by his nipples
Double fisted chesty:

yeah dude dave and bob double fisted chestied ryan in the locker room his nipples are black now
by P Deezyfo2069 December 2, 2009
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