Person one: Oh hey, is that Joaquin?
Joaquin: Die.
Person one: *Dies*
by LiberalDestroyer6969 April 2, 2019
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1. It is to no longer be alive.

2. When you die in a game, you may lose exp, gold, or other things in your inventory.

3. To die someone. Only applies to tanks in the game. When killing a boss, and the tank dies, the rest of the party dies along with him because they have no tank, the boss's 'uber awesome aoe' and kills you all.

1. I think MJ died o.o' last night...

2. Um... sorry i died, gotta res!! T^T was like...0.1% till lvl !! wtf!!!

3. DAMMIT!! stupid tank died us >_>"" We're not having that guy as tank next time ! and we need more healers! Dude, buy more pots! Stop dying us !
by Coolerthanyourmom September 3, 2009
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Shakespearian slang for having an orgasm.
(ie): In French, modern slang for orgasm (or to die) is "le petite mur" meaning "little death."
by jprbtmhj] November 7, 2010
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When your cousin almost chokes on water and your other cousin wishes for your well-being.
Jadon: “Oh don’t die, it’s bad for you
by A Fellow Mexicasian. July 4, 2018
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The act of smoking some reefer that is so dank, you pass the fuck out. You're probably going to puke your stomach out, your face is most likely going to fall off, and you probably met some aliens in the process or some shit.
Dude, I lit up with some friends the other day, and I fucking died. Puked twice, walked home, and puked two more times. I then walked back to my friends house because I left my fucking face there. Holy shit.
by JakAttak May 26, 2009
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Guitarist of extremely popular Visual Kei band Dir en Grey. Has a thing with having red hair.
Moi: God, will Die ever dye (haha) his hair any other colours?!
by shinyaddict June 22, 2005
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