Like bags of sand. Often mistaken for implants, even on close inspection. The bane of mamographers everywhere.
Break out the MRI, we've got a real dense breast here.
by flippant_gibberish October 27, 2016
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This is what Google translate comes up with for the British insult of calling someone a "thick tit"
by badbull November 2, 2016
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Excessively full and firm breasts
Bro, was Payton's rack as nice in person as her nudes?
Yeah man, she has dense breasts.
by KuntMurphy September 29, 2016
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A breast that is firm, not flappy, holds its own.
Jim: Damn Sarah's rack is popping

Steve: I know right, she's got dense breasts
by steveo2017 September 29, 2016
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Breasts that are hard and not soft and squishy. Having dense breasts means that you have an increased chance of getting breast cancer.
Girl: Do my boobs feel hard to you?
Guy: Yeah those are some dense breasts! Not as hard as my dick though
by matew September 27, 2016
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Referring extreme lack of common sense. Exact opposite of common sense.
man 1: dude, doesn't anyone have common sense anymore?

man 2: yo, everyone is inflicted with that common dense now n days.

also see: soulja boy
by dadumbdude February 13, 2012
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