Reserved ONLY for the coolest of the cool. Only the coolest mo fo's can pull this one off.

Any one who tries and fails will look like the biggest fuckn wanker in the history of the world.
"O my, did you end up scoring with my sister last night?"

"Foshishi my nizzi dizzie dabble!"
by Trudie Zarzoff June 8, 2009
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When you have tried or experimented a relationship with the same sex in a sexual/physical/emotional way. However, through not fault of their or your own, decided to stay with the opposite sex for such activities and relationships. When it just “didn’t stick”, despite all efforts.
by wbonaventura December 30, 2022
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A member of the dabvolution that has taken the oath and swears their life on dabs
Look at that dabbling over their, they are so cool
by Th3Moo5d September 19, 2018
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After a break up, a female must sample. For a booty call, or whatever.
She has many stories of her dick dabblings.
by June 29, 2021
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A euphemism for female on female sexual contact. Notably used in a Religious context to circumvent the use of "lesbian".
Those clam dabbling lesbians, like Portia de Rossi, are going to end up in the depths of hell.
by Talim Gregor March 30, 2009
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Pool game. Need golf tee and swimming pool. Three to twenty players. Started in 1944 in Frontenac, MO. involving one person jumps into a swimming pool and at sometime releases the golf tee. Other players who are standing alongside the pool jumps in when they see the golf tee and the one who gets the golf tee wins and is that person turn to jump in with golf tee.
Who wants to play dibble dabble.
by NonGuig June 28, 2023
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One who dabbles in the drug gabapentin, which can produce a marijuana-like high.
She was a Gabble Dabble and that's why she gabs so much.
by Jay Reesy February 2, 2022
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